Hi, my name is Agon
I'm Web Developer.

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Hi there, I am Agon, a web dev, I am 26 years old and I live in Skopje, North Macedonia. My career started as a Unity Dev(C#), now i'm currently working with ReactJS.

In my free time i like to play games, watch tv shows, and hangout with friends.

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Quote Machine

It's a simple quote generator that generates quotes by great minds.

See Live Source Code

Background Generator

This is a simple background color generator for changing colors in a way you want.

See Live Source Code

Video Player

It's a basic video player that you can watch whatever you like.

See Live Source Code

Rock Paper Scissors

Basic app where you play the game against an NPC who randomly chooses between rock,paper and scissors.

See Live Source Code

Ping Pong

It's a classic ping pong game,the ball goes back and forth until someone misses it.

See Live Source Code

Music Player

It's a music player that plays mp3 songs.

See Live Source Code

Dark Mode

it's for setting dark mode on and off.

See Live Source Code

Infinite Scrolling

Its a nice smooth no end scrolling can be useful for websites that contains alot of things.

See Live Source Code

Form Validator

It's a filling form for registering or when you sign up for new acc.

See Live Source Code

Daily Planner

it's a basic daily scheduler or planner that helps you stay organised and finish things on time.

See Live Source Code


